Friday, January 15, 2010

Pass driving haha

Yeah!! pass driving le xDD a bit nervous today at first~ then listen to frens go temple pray pray~ omg, i go there practice so long no found out got a temple there~they say tis temple hen "ling", who pray sure pass hahas. I drive up the hill, den when wan down, the car cant move, so i tekan minyak den the car like "boom" go down the hill!! Everybody laugh, me shock tio diao! then the parking n 3 point turn i just memorise the steps n do it. After tat, is time to keluar jalan...i scare si huo sia...Cos is already afternoon and the malay tester nid sembahyang, so he ask me drive fast fast!! i even use short cut and dun obey the traffic light!! bUT luckily he give me 16/20, tat mean i pass hahas!! SO i m in high mood nw~~!!

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