Sunday, December 27, 2009

FangPi Is That Wrong??

Everyone sure wonder, fangpi is tat a fault? is tat wrong if someone fangpi? My answer is: fangpi is not a fault, instead fangpi has many advantage le!! So shuld not hav sign such as above! CANOT FANGPI! Roar=x

Ok now, let me introduce my new family. Me is FangPi~Pepe. My Baby kavie is FangPi~Mimi. And we two hav a nuer named Esther aka Icecream!! Bcos she inherit my fangpi gene, so she is also called FangPi~Nunu. Attention hor, my pi got sound but nunu pi got smell. so alls, faster close ur nose!!!!
When i wan fangpi, i will breathe in and breathe out, and then Put Put*. But nuer de more scary, no sound one, suddenly u will smell a bad egg smell!! hahas. tat is nunu fangpi lols =x ( Esther see le dun kill me )

My Baby will treasure my pi. She will collect my pi in a bottle, and then smell it whenever she miss me. And she even can sleep better after smelling my pi ( glad ). But nunu-Esther is bad, she only will flush my pi away in the toiletbowl!! and she consider it as treasuring my pi hor, she say is RECYCYLING MY PI!!

change like tis~~
( tat means FangPi is our new guild name=D ) IT IS SO SPECIAL LE

SO HOW U GUYS TINK OF TIS? PLS GIVE COMMENT ABOUT TIS!! ( U can either agree with tis, disagree with tis or give a better suggestion about the name! ^^ )

THANK YOU GUYS FOR UR ATTENTION ( Non-cupidlove member can also give comment )

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas All of Yous xD

yea, one more hour is christmas day!! ^^ so i m here to wish all of u a merry christmas and a happy new year!! i just back from shopping mall. Finish watch alvin and the chipmunks =D Then, at there gt christmas celebrations. got a group of band singing song there~ There are 6 chio bu singing song there, but their age is bigger than me, so i dun hav chance liao lo =p But most shock is, i found my fren working at the mall. Dun expect she so fast start working. Hais, then my mum remind me to start work with my uncle in january TT
So cant play audi too much le == Need to begin my working life~


Monday, December 21, 2009

Dam Occupied Day ==

today, both parent r busy, so folo my fren go listen to education talk and get some idea about wat path shuld i choose after spm results out == go there from 9.30am and back around 7.45pm. Then, mum tell me tat she has book ticket on movie avatar! so after back home, havent change clothes, straight ride on my dad's car  and proceed to cinema!! the movie avatar dam nice, everybody shuld not miss tis show!! i dun expect tat tis show last about 2 hour 30 min, so after watch finish movie, it already 11.30pm. me wan faster back home, cos my baby waiting for me in audi ^^ so now, i m back and post tis! tis is indeed an fully occupied day and it is fun n interesting anyways =D but me now is super tired and exhausted, but i hav to go audi, cos i miss my baby<33

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holding icecream ^^ dam GAY btw hahas!

hahas, i m holding icecream in audi ^^ and it is a mango icecream!! lick lick~ btw, i dam hate the move. u see, the move dam gay!! =x especially when the move of dancing, it seem so girlish lak! GM, pls la, change the guy move. the move is only suits for girls...if boys do tat, dam girlish n funny sia. when i first see, laugh die me! everybody laugh at me, including my baby lols~ haha, these r some of the move i take in audi, kk stop at here, going play audi xDD

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Doll of Love

nice video, click it and see xD ( intro by joyce~ chubby mei ) it is quite a sad story!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Funny Experience While Driving

haha today i go learn driving. dam fun leh! but i keep 死火T.T, cos my clutch dun press finish == The teacher is a ahpek, he dam proud de, say himself is a very good teacher and those who learn from him sure can pass!! But indeed, i admit he teach good, cos tis is my first time driving, he already give me to drive in big road! Compare to my other frens, their first lesson is learn how to change gear nia. Hahas, the teacher scare of me, he say me drive too fast! But omg, i dun feel i press the ' minyak ' a lot. i only feel i press a bit, but wth, the car go so fast~~ perhaps i used to play driving car in arcade, at there i press the ' minyak ' till the end, and let the car goes super fast!! so in overall, i feel tat tis driving experience indeed fun! hope i can take my car licence as soon as possible ==

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lvl up ^^

Yea, i lvl up! now lvl 32 hahas! =D

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Never NEVER Confess Ur Love Lidat!!

haha u definitely will fail if confess love lidat! tis video quite funny, just sharing with all of you. do leave comments on tis hahax.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ken's Wedding

Grats ya ken! u finally settle down n get marry. hope u two happily ever after xD. and when play ball, dun forget to ask mi and my baby join ^^ den we both high again man! rmb put more estasy in drinks when u become waiter =D

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jingle Bell Indian Version wakaka!

Yea, Christmas coming! so i present tis video for u alls. if havent see before, just click it!! is dam funny.
Do u ever think tat how the song will look like if indian sing it?? we shuld be glad tat our jingle bell song is not like the indian version. Ps, i m not saying indian sing song not good hor, dun misunderstand!

Crazy Night!!!!

haha, this is indeed a crazy night!! the first pic is taken during cpl dance. wat is funny is there are so many TYPES of ppl in room. There are snowman, and the one wearing pink color de is cat, and also have a santa claus and a mickey!! weird combination le? hahas.

Yea, i have just got a pumpkin suit! so now i bid goodbye to snowman= big goodbye to my big butt! But WTH, i now got a big belly instead! ( lucky is not big belly and big butt together in one suit =x )haha. Now, me and my baby are cpl of two festival le ^^ HALLOWEEN AND XMAS! woohoo~
So, arent we perfect match? hehe. ok nothing to write le, going to study my chinese. last paper is monday!! Den i m going to be FREEDOM!!!! :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Chubby Mei lols

Well, here the description about my mei, zantier, aka joyce. she....wat good qualities about her arh? omg cant think tio!
hm she has a doggy, husky. tis husky i wan rear in rl so long le hahas. bt if rl cant rear, hope in audi can hav also. So mei buy me one laughs. she also has the bunny face, i wonder she gt the bunny teeth bo??  xD hmm, also never never NEVER call her kid or child, she will angry like hell. but 11 not kid meh? diao. under 12 is still consider kid la! mei dun angry, bt u special, u r excluded, u r not a KID hahas! btw, mei hav such good characteristics as follow:
1. CUTE                         
2. CHUBBY                     
3. KIND perhaps?   
4. POLITE ( cos gt call me kor =D
     5. FRIENDLY ( bt sometimes bully me der =x )

Snowman VS Npc!

tis happens on tuesday night. me, baby, ahma-darkrise, and her favourite twinnie-abv playing brbp!! LOOK, we all wearing snowman suit! so is SNOWMAN vs NPC. we lose quite a few rounds, but also got win back the stupid npc after tat. Tis brbp can win cos of two ppl- ahma and abv. claps claps. the abv dam pro, he say he simply click but also can win the npc! walau leh. i tink he shuld go participate in audi competition, if not so wasted la! anyways, hope next time we all can play brbp together again, cos we love $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

1 Thousand ReasonS to be Pervert

today talk about pervert group! ^^ my baby, kaviex belong to pervert group liao~ clap clap^^
and our yumoshu~rain also pervert queen ^^ and sure i m the pervert KING LA~
hahaha. really laugh die all of us. my baby say me wearing her bra on my head, while me say my baby wearing my underwear on her head!! AND i say i wan smell bra first den smell baby de
underwear, but rain teach me the other way round! she has such a good reason le ^^

i say rain smell roz sausage, but guys, u guess rain say wat? she say she wan eat le. i wonder
roz de sausage is put jam de arh, let rain lick lo haha. so now pervert group is made!!

master- boy: me (troy) girl: rain
jr master - my baby (kavie)

welcome more members to join pervert group ^^