Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowman~Dun Melt Us!

haha, well see tat cpl licence. me and my baby r wearing snowman suit. The snowman de head dam big, SEE, one of my cookie eye cannot be seen le! I love my carrot nose is dam funny haha! and bro, i know u wan steal my hat, nah i give u my hat no nid steal xD and gt someone wan steal my yellow button. arhh being a snowman so kelian, everything in my body also tio steal. even bad is, rain always AIM at our pigu, say our butt big, the floor gona CRACK when we dance == many ppl laughs at us when we dance and shock we can do fm diao! but truly, i also laughs when i see myself n baby dancing in snowman suit!

The second pic is take when with nuer, xiiaodumb! ps nuer, i forgot zoom ur butt!! haha. tis pic not bad, nuer u look thinner, the butt also not so big, haha me too lak! but tis pic cant see i m taller TT. lasttt, rmb snowman is nt made of metal, so my butt canot rust laughs!

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